Da fitnesscentre er lukket, eller mange har valgt at blive hjemme under alle omstændigheder, er der opstået en ny tendens overalt på internettet og sociale medier: hjemme-træning. Med adskillige apps, der fungerer som personlige trænere, har det aldrig været lettere at holde sig aktive hjemme. Selvom intet udstyr er nødvendigt, kan det helt sikkert hjælpe med at opretholde en rutine og gøre det mere sjovt at træne. Derfor har vi fundet træningsudstyr, som både er effektivt, varieret og kun tager lidt plads!
Træningsmåtte For dig som ikke er yoga-entusiaster, skal du ikke bekymre dig. Træningsmåtter bruges ikke kun til yoga, men kan bruges til enhver form for træning, hvor du ikke vil ligge direkte på gulvet. Denne er ekstra tyk for at gøre den mere behagelig! Kun 247dkk og leveres med en rem for at holde den.
Modstandsbånd En anden hæfteklammer er mini-modstandsbånd, der kan bruges til en række forskellige øvelser. Disse findes i tre forskellige modstandsniveauer og er lavet af stof hellere end latexbånd for at forhindre klemning, mens de også er mere holdbare. Få dette sæt på tre til 142dkk!
Ankelvægte Ankelvægte er et meget nyttigt værktøj til at føje til din træning og få mange fordele. Brug dem på dine ankler for at tilføje modstand til dine ben-øvelser eller inkorporere dem i næsten enhver form for træning takket være deres evne til at tillade dig at bevæge dig frit, mens du bruger dem. Dette sæt leveres med justerbare vægte og fås nu til 170dkk.
Håndvægte Måske ikke det mest “grundlæggende” stykke træningsudstyr, men værd at have sit ry som en hæfteklammer til træning. Disse har forskellige vægte og er belagt i neopren for at forhindre dem i at rulle væk, når du lægger dem ned på gulvet. Et par håndvægte sælger for 204dkk.
Sjippetov Jeg ved, at mange mennesker synes, at cardio er kedeligt, og at løbe (især på en løbebånd) kan være det værste af alle. En god måde at komme i cardio-øvelse på, mens du stadig holder det sjovt, er at bruge et sjippetov. Det er en af de mest effektive træningsøvelse og kan skiftes ved at udfordre dig selv med forskellige færdigheder såsom dobbelt hop. Sjippetovet har skridsikre håndtag og et flisefrit kabel til en pris af kun 163kr hos Computersalg.dk eller £12.99 hos Amazon.
Urtesaks Elsker du, hvor fantastisk frisk basilikum smager på din salat, men er du træt af at hakke bladene hele tiden, ved hjælp af denne urtesaks vil du ikke kun se ud som en professionel masterchef, men også have det værktøj, der gør drømme-middag til virkelighed for kun 139dkk!
2. Stål kokosnød åbner Har du også set tusindvis af YouTube-videoer, hvor folk forklarede, hvor let det er at åbne en kokosnød med tre knive, en gaffel og i nogle tilfælde en hammer? Nu er der en meget nemmere og mindre farlig måde at gøre dette på, så du behøver bestemt ikke give op på denne seje frugt! Prøv kokosnød åbner skraber kniven for kun £14.50 (121 dkk)!
3. Kage dekorerer Når det kommer til fødselsdage, er gaver altid hårde. Men hvad nu hvis du bare kunne bage en kage, der ser så fantastisk ud, at Gordon Ramsey vil blive forbløffet af det? Det lyder umuligt, men det er det ikke længere, især med disse kagedekorationer, som udover at være kreative og seje er virkelig overkommelige! Kun 119dkk!
4. Avocado skiver En avocado-skæremaskine, der ikke kun ser sej ud (som et ninja-våben), men også hjælper dig med at splitte, skrælle og skære avocados på en praktisk og nem måde til kun 73dkk!
5. Osteknivsæt Elsker du absolut smarte middagsretter? Det gøre alle jo. Men hvad betyder en middagsselskab uden vin og ost? At eje denne osteknivsæt kan gøre dig til den mest elegante og forberedte vært blandt dine venner! Kun for 119dkk!
Gør dig klar til efteråret og tage hyggen med! Uanset om du er til veldrejet krimi, episk romankunst, skarp formidlet faglitteratur, smukke kogebøger, romantik, fantasy eller hverdagsfilosofi, går du et vidunderligt bogefterår i møde. Her på siden har vi samlet et håndplukket udvalg af nogle af de bogudgivelser, som vi glæder os særligt meget til i efteråret 2020, og vi tør godt vædde vores gamle sommerhat på, at du blandt bøgerne finder inspiration til lige præcis det, der skal underholde, berige, oplyse eller røre dig, mens efterårets løvfald tager til.
Den Franske Fotograf – Natasha Lester Stor roman af den australske bestsellerforfatter, Natasha Lester. Historien er baseret på den sande historie om den amerikanske model og fotograf Lee Miller, der arbejdede som fotojournalist i Europa under 2. verdenskrig.
I 1943 rejser den tidligere fotomodel Jessica May fra New York til Europa som fotojournalist for at dække krigen i Europa. Som kvinde i et utraditionelt job er det dog ikke nemt at komme helt frem til fronten. Ved venners hjælp lykkes det dog alligevel Jessica at få vist krigen fra en helt nye vinkel og fange stærke øjeblikke med sit kamera.
Godt 60 år senere ankommer den unge australier D’Arcy Hallworth til et lille fransk slot, hvor hun har til opgave at pakke en samling berømte fotografier ned og fragte dem til Australien, hvor de skal udstilles. Fotografen, der har taget dem, er anonym, og det er derfor en usædvanlig, men også spændende opgave for D’Arcy. Og den bliver ikke mindre spændende, da D’Arcy i slottets gemmer falder over nogle kasser med negativerne af Jessica Mays berømte fotografier. Hvad er mon forbindelsen mellem den anonyme fotograf og Jessica May
Få den nu til kr.219,95 og spar kr.30 med Saxo Premium!
Kræmmerfund og Kærlighed – Ewa Klingberg Kræmmerfund og kærlighed er en skøn feel good-roman fortalt i to tidsspor om uventet kærlighed, nye begyndelser – og om kunsten at indrette sig.
Felicia er lige blevet skilt efter mange års ægteskab. Og uden helt at forstå, hvordan det er gået til, er hun også blevet husejer – af en forfalden ejendom med flere lejligheder. Felicia flytter selv ind i en af dem. Omgivet af sine lejere, som konstant banker på med spørgsmål om stoppede afløb og andre problemer, men efterhånden også med kanelboller og hyggesnak.
Saldoen på Felicias bankkonto er tæt på nul, og hun aner ikke, hvor hun skal begynde. Alt ændrer sig dog, da hun møder den attraktive antikhandler Jonathan. Han tilbyder at hjælpe med at indrette hendes lejlighed med smukke gamle møbler. Men hvad hverken han eller Felicia ved er, at et af møblerne fra hans butik har et hemmeligt rum. Det gemmer på en for længst glemt historie om Nanny, der var ung pige i huset hos en fornem svensk familie – og om umulig kærlighed.
Bogen er første bind i Huskvarna-serien fra Sveriges nye feel good-dronning. Hendes bøger vil have appel til læsere af Jojo Moyes og Jenny Colgan.
Aftentid og morgengry – Ken Follett Med AFTENTID OG MORGENGRY tager Ken Follett os med tilbage til Kingsbridge i en storslået fortælling om de dramatiske begivenheder før JORDENS SØJLER. ÅRET ER 997. I et England på tærsklen til middelalderen følger vi tre håbefulde personer, som alle forsøger at forfølge deres drømme: en ung bådebygger, en normannisk adelsdame og en visionær og ambitiøs munk. Men England befinder sig i en kaotisk ufredstid og er under angreb fra alle sider. Kongens greb om landet er svækket, de magtfulde udnytter de svageste, og blod og vold hører hverdagen til. Det er hårde vilkår for håbefulde drømmere og kærlighed, og de tre hovedpersoner har stærke kræfter imod sig – ikke mindst i skikkelse af en nådesløs biskop, der ingen midler skyr for at bevare sin magt og velstand. I Aftentid og Morgengry tager Ken Follett os med på en enestående rejse 1000 år tilbage i tiden — til en periode med kærlighed og ære, vold og ambitioner, drømme og håb.
Tvilling yndling grævling – Hella Joof I “Tvilling, yndling, grævling – en selvhjælpsbiografi” fortæller Hella Joof på rørende, underholdende og åbenhjertig vis om sit livs op- og nedture, og hvad vi alle kan lære fra det!
Med udgangspunkt i sit eget liv giver Hella Joof gode råd til hvad man ikke skal gøre når det kommer til sex, karriere, økonomi, parforhold og familieliv! Hun har tit fundet sig selv i et virvar af kaos, følelser og problemer og ved derfor hvad hun snakker om, når hun giver sin livslæring videre til os.
Hella Joof deler med udgangspunkt i sit eget liv sine bedste råd til tilværelsen i “Tvilling, yndling, grævling – en selvhjælpsbiografi”. På vanlig vis er Hella Joof hudløst ærlig, reflekteret og yderst underholdende når hun fortæller om, hvad hun har lært af alle sin fejl.
Den danske sang – Rikke Hyldgaard & Phillip Faber “Den danske sang” er Philip Fabers hyldest til den danske sangskat og en samling af hans 20 yndlingssange.
De danske sange udgør en helt særlig del af Danmarks kultur og historie. Under coronakrisen så vi, hvordan den danske sang kunne forene hele nationen i fællesskaber på tværs af generationer og bygrænser. Komponist og dirigent Philip deler i “Den danske sang” sin entusiasme og kærlighed til vores danske sang, og fortæller levende om deres historie, betydning og hvad der egentlig udgør den gode sang, tekst og melodi. Philip Faber deler i bogen også sine 20 yndlingssange med sangtekster og melodier.
“Den danske sang” er skrevet i samarbejde med Rikke Hyldgaard.
Every puppy likes playing with toys. And even more, they love to bite anything they can find, especially toys. So what toys are the best for your puppy? Of course, they need to be bite-resistant, soft, interesting and practical, but should you choose a tug toy, rope, kong, plush or maybe a squeaky toy? If you want to find out, you have come to the right place. Keep on reading.
We truly recommend this 10-piece cotton set for only £15,99.
It’s made out of non-toxic 100% natural cotton fiber, so your puppy can chew on it safely. It can also improve your dog’s dental health by cleaning its teeth and massaging its gums, which is very important when replacing teeth.
All rope toys can easily be washed to keep them clean and protect your dog’s oral health.
“Absolutely Amazing- honestly when I ordered this I thought it would “just do for now” as I thought £13 it can’t be that good… How wrong was I? I was blown away opening it all and still can’t believe the value for money. You could spend the same amount of money for 1 toy on the high street. Seriously if you have seen this item don’t scroll past just buy it you will be as surprised as me for what you get for your money. My puppy Dahlia loves the carrot. Once again thank you very much“
We highly recommend this 5-piece squeaky set for only £13,59.
The set includes a giraffe, zebra, and squirrel (unfilled squeak toys), a donut and duck (stuffed squeak toys), and a storage bag.
It’s made from non-toxic soft plush and cotton, making it friendly to your dogs’ teeth as well as safe and reliable for your pet to chew on and play with.
These toys makes it possible for your dog to jump, run and play with you during its exercise time. Exercise keeps your pet strong and healthy while also giving you a great way to build a relationship with your puppy.
Love the design and durability of the toys my dogs love them
My mini poodle is obsessed with this toy. She crept into “Santa’s Christmas bag” (hidden away–not sure how she found it) a few days before Christmas, pinched the parcel and opened it while I was taking the bins out. Ever since then, it has been true love (not sure why!) Every evening she furiously squeaks it while pushing it around the sitting room with her nose, kind of like a sled. She also enjoys carrying it from room to room. She has lots of toys, but this is “the one”.
“Our puppy seems to turn his nose up at most toys but this latex cow’s a real winner. Our little monkey loves the squidgy feel of it and it makes a great sound plus it’s proving to be indestructible which is a bonus.“
If you’ve ever had a puppy, you probably know that KONG is an absolute MUST HAVE. Puppy KONG costs only £8,60 and it really makes life with a puppy easier. 🙂
The Puppy KONG dog toy is designed for a growing puppy’s baby teeth and is made from unique, natural rubber. Designed to meet the needs of a puppy’s 28-baby teeth, it helps teach appropriate chewing behavior. A stuffed Puppy KONG occupies busy little ones for a long time, while giving pet parents some free time.
Perfect for small puppies – I bought these for my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. They were stuffed with tasty food every time we left the house so that I think she actually looked forward to us going out!
“Bought this for my puppy, it’s a good little thing as it helps with the teething problem by biting on it and then they get the treat from inside when the biscuit breaks up.
A lot of us have to work from home right now, and at times it can be difficult when you don’t have any of supplies or gadgets to help you. It can also be hard to focus and you may feel like you’re not actually working when you’re sitting on your couch in pyjamas. Hopefully though, these items can make your home feel more like an office and make working less burdensome!
Laptop Desk
If you like working from different places in your home, like the couch or your bed, then you definitely need a laptop desk. If you think you will use yours a lot, then it’s worth spending a little bit more money on it to get good quality. This one has everything you need, including a side drawer with a phone holder, a holder groove for your tablet, a book stand and an ergonomic arm rest! Get yours for £59.95.
“Brilliant, couldn’t be better. Very big and lots of space for laptop, extra keyboard and mouse. I did hesitate before getting it as I thought it might be a useless gadget but I use it all the time. Great to work on or watch films in bed. Highly recommended.”
These headphones are perfect if you live with noisy family members or if you’re someone who simply likes when it’s completely quiet when working. They will cancel out any background noise so that you can work undisturbed. These are also bluetooth connected, have high quality sound and have up to 35 hours of battery time! The best thing is that they’re much more affordable than most noise cancelling headphones, selling now for only £39.99.
“Most comfortable headphones I’ve ever owned, sound quality is also top notch. Noise cancellation is pretty good. Sturdy build and folds nicely up for travel. Not one complaint, and for the price point, these headphones are unbelievably good. I’m super happy with this purchase. Highly recommend!!”
A printer is the kind of thing you don’t realize how much you need until you find yourself at home without one. But it’s also understandable if you don’t want to spend too much on it, especially if you don’t know how long you’ll be working from home. This printer can scan, copy, and print from tablets and smartphones. It’s also wireless! Get yours now for £49.99.
“Great little printer so far. Nice modern look, and I love the fact the paper is housed under the printer instead of out the top. Very easy to install using my iPhone and easy to set up the instant ink subscription. Very happy with it so far!”
A seat cushion is a must have if you don’t have a comfortable chair at home. If you sit down a lot when you work a seat cushion is a must have, and this one with a memory foam will make sure you’re comfortable sitting down even for longer periods. You can even use it on a plain or train trip! Get yours for £24.90.
“Having to work from home during Covid pandemic, using a folding chair,I needed a little extra support for my back and seat. This product is amazing! Supports in all areas and gives a little extra height at desk. Have recommended to 3 colleagues, who have now also purchased item. Best buy ever!”
Desk Organizer Having your desk organized can spare you the struggle of going through various drawers looking for what you need. This small holder will help you with that, as you can keep papers, books, pens, scissors and much more all in one place. It’s not only practical, but this wood design also looks really cute! Now selling for £16.99.
“Love this. Was a little bigger than I had anticipated but looks great all the same. Even enjoyed assembling it. My desk is finally a little more organised.”
If you’re going to be working in a warm or dry place this summer, this product is for you. This handy tool works as an air conditioner, air humidifier and it can even reduce dust and allergens with its purification tool. It’s also small so you can bring it with you around the house depending on where you want to work. Get yours for 39.99!
“This little fan air cooler unit is fantastic. Perfect for smaller spaces and does an awesome job of cooling down the air.
I’ve been using this over the last few hot nights.. full with water in the top, turn it on and the fan blows the cold water from the filter part and cools the air with moisture. It does say tap water only but I’d recommend using water from the fridge, but from the tap.
A nice water level indicator section on the side which is helpful.“
Everyone has struggled with putting on plastic cling film at least once in their life right?! Replace that cling film with these Silicone Stretch Lids! The perfect solution for anyone who wants to keep that half of a watermelon fresh for the next day (or any other edible stuff). For ONLY £10.48
Promising review: “I have seen commercial for similar product for some time now. And decided to try! What a great reusable solution for my fridge and not only. There are quite a lot in the pack various sizes. Much better than using cling film all the time. These lids are reusable which means less waste !” – Leo
2. Reusable produce bags
Skip the plastic and be fantastic! These bags are definitely a must-have. Eco-friendly, fashionable and washable bags, for only £15.00, yes please!
Promising review: “Stop the use of plastic bags, I use these bags to put fruit and veg in when buying in the supermarket and then put them in the fridge when I get home” – Mrs Gillian Burdett
3. Reusable Makeup Removal Pads
Look at these adorable makeup removal pads!! Seeing these makes you wanna clean your face straight away. For £19.90 you can have them in your life.
Promising review: “great quality re-usable pads ! They come in a beautiful box which you can also use to store your make up brushes. There is enough pads to keep using while you wash the others (in the little bag provided). The pads are soft on your skin and remove make up effectively.” – Amazon Customer
4. GoWoo 100% Natural Bamboo Toothbrush
For £9.99 you will get this super cute set of 4 Eco Friendly Toothbrushes! A perfect choice for anyone that wants to live more sustainable.
Promising review: “After trying multiple other bamboo toothbrushes, I was about to give up until I tried this brand. The bamboo is smooth and does not splinter like most other brands. My husband who is very picky about toothbrushes actually likes using these, which is great because I can reduce his environmental impact. The bristles also stay in tack, which again was another issue I had with other bamboo brushes. Packaging is also individual ecofriendly boxes, which is nice for travel. I highly recommend and I will be buying these from here on out!” – Jess
5. Organic Coffee Filter
This reusable filter is something everyone should have at home. No more paper filter! How perfect? Get it HERE for £15.95
Get the most out of your smartphone with these original gadgets on the market! Chargers, holders, bands, screen magnifiers and much more. Don’t lose any more time and take a look at this list that we have crafted just for you!
1. Lazy Holder Are you tired of holding your phone while watching movies? Have you ever dropped your phone right on your face when you’re lying on your bed? Yeah, that’s painful… How about this functional lazy holder for £13.45? You won’t regret it!
“I use it to mount my phone above my bed, off a tall headboard. For this is it great for watching Youtube and reading books. I use a Bluetooth mouse to flip pages in ebooks and play videos etc, which is perfect for maintaining a relaxed and good posture. The seller recently contacted me and provided me with some 1st class after service. Great product, great customer service!”
2. Magnetic Charging Cable This 3 in 1 charging cable allows you to easily switch the magnetic head to charge a type C, iPhone or Android, without changing the whole cable. That means 3 chargers at the price of one! Get it for only £6.79!
“I was looking for a magnetic charging cable capable of data sync and 3A fast charging, and this does both well. The magnet is strong, and the connectors are snug in all my devices. It’s also much cheaper than competitors.”
3. Phone Jail Cell Lock Up Tired of telling your children to get off their phones and do their homework? Or do you just have friends addicted to their phones? In any case, here is a funny gadget that will lock up any phone in a secure prison. And if your phone feels lonely, you can fit up to 5 in the cell. Get it for £6.95!
4. Screen Magnifier Can’t wait to go back to the cinemas? In that case, don’t worry, this screen magnifier is just what you need! This lens is able to amplify your video 2-6 times. Who needs a TV now? Get it for £14.99!
5. Selfie Remote Control Does your large group of friends not fit in a selfie? Or do you prefer a small group of friends but your selfies still end up blurred and shaky?With this control you won’t have to struggle with setting a timer and running back to your friends to find that perfect pose. You will amaze everyone when you need just a click from your control to take as many pictures as you’d like. Get this little genius for £14.99.
“This little gadget is a selfie lifesaver. My selfies were always blurred, crooked, out of perspective, etc. But now I can take excellent selfies and I am really really pleased. This little gadget is very sturdy and feels quite up to the job, its design helps you hit the ‘take’ button first time, even without looking and it was so easy to set up and worked first time”
6. Running Armband Where do you keep your phone when you go for a run? In your pocket? In your hand? Or just leave it at home? Nah. Keep it at your wrist with this comfortable armband compatible with all phones. Get this cool gadget for £10.19.
“Struggled in the past at finding a good running armband either the strap was too tight or the plastic screening wasn’t very responsive. But with this I’ve had no issues, very easy to wrap around your arm, phone fits comfortably, and the rotating is great if you need to do something on the phone while running, great armband”
7. Car Phone Holder Check out this magnetic holder that allows for safe and legal driving while still enabling you to look at your GPS. Great car accessory! Get it for £12.99.
“This product is so much better than the annoying horrid plastic gadgets that eventually fall off. You get a nicely made, heavy “knob” magnet that you stick to your dashboard with supplied adhesive pads. The holding magnet can be rotated once your phone is attached to wherever suits you best”
8. Keyring Charger This 3 in 1 portable USB cable will surely come in handy many times. Compatible with nearly every existing phone, it comes with a Micro USB, Lightning and Type C charger. Easy to use, light, and short. What else could you need? Get it for £9.98.
“I bought this to be my travel charger when I’m in school because it’s small and portable and has all the cables I need without taking too much space in my backpack.It has charged my iPhone 7s without problems, as well as my power bank and switch that are both type c and my Bluetooth headphones that is a micro usb.”
9. Mini Phone Fan This fun gadget will help you during those long and scorching summers when the only thing on your mind is to taste a refreshing ice cream on a windy beach. Well, we can’t take you to the beach, but how about this portable 180 degrees rotating fan? Get it for £6.99.
” I tested it first for myself and It’s really cool and relatively powerful considering it’s so small!You just plug it in where you charge your iPhone and it starts straight away! I really like that you can rotate it 180 degrees so it’s not pointing down and can be used while you hold you phone.”
Herb Stripper Do you love how amazing fresh basil tastes on your salad, but you’re tired of chopping the greens all the time? Using this Herb Stripper you will not only look like a professional masterchef, but also have a tool that makes dream-dinners come true, for only £15.78!
Promising review:“Works awesome! Couldn’t be happier with it, bought it for kale and it gets the job done quick 👍🏻! So happy I don’t have to stand there chopping at it forever lol!” – Amazon Customer
2. Steel Coconut Opener Did you watch thousands of Youtube videos, where people explain how easy it is to open a coconut with three knives, a fork, and, in some cases, a hammer? We feel you, but don’t worry, there is a much easier and less dangerous way to do this, so you definitely won’t have to give up on this cool fruit! Try the Coconut Opener Scraper Knife for only £14.50!
Promising review:“I come across situations where I got to deal with stubborn coconut meat all the time. This tool has been a blessing for me. I can extract coconut meat with ease and in seconds, which use too take too much effort and time once upon a time.”– Nirav
3. Cake Decorating Pen Tool When it comes to birthdays, gift-giving is always tough. But what if you could just bake a cake for your loved ones that looks so amazing that Gordon Ramsey would compliment it? Sounds impossible, but it no longer is, especially with these cake decorators, which besides being creative and cool are really affordable! Only £9.99!
Promising review:“I have made cakes for years and have never been satisfied with my lettering. This tool is fabulous! My lettering improves each time I use it.” – Teressa
4. Avocado Slicer An avocado slicer, which not only looks cool (like a ninja-weapon) but also helps you split, pit and cut avocados in a convenient and easy way for only £5.50!
Promising review:“What an awesome tool this is! I should have gotten one of these years ago! Living in SoCal, I get avocados from the Farmer’s Market all year long and this incredible tool is just fantastic. The “knife” is plastic, yet sharp and cuts through the skin like butter! Then you flip it on it’s side and place the prongs over the pit and push in. The pit comes out and you push from the opposite side and it releases right into the garbage can….no more dangerously stabbing the pit with a sharp knife to lift it out and then struggling to get it off the knife! Then flip the tool over for the third time and slide it from top to bottom for the PERFECT slices! LOVE OXO brand, and LOVE this.” – MountainNurse
5. Rose Gold Cheese Knife Set Do you absolutely love fancy dinner parties? Duh, everyone does. But what does a dinner party even mean without wine and cheese? Owning this cheese knife set can make you the most elegant and prepared host among your friends! Only for £14.90!
Promising review:“Came just as pictured. Everything is very sturdy and was perfect for my party. Knives were good quality and much sharper than anticipated. Would definitely order from them again!” – Emma
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With summer finally being here, there is nothing more we want than to be outdoors and take advantage of the (usually) nice weather. While going to the beach or a park can be fun, sometimes all we want to do is sit in our own comfortable home while still being outside. For many of us, that place is the balcony. The summer is long, so it’s worth investing in things to make it even more enjoyable. That’s why we have found the best items for your balcony so that you can enjoy the summer from the comfort of your own home.
Sling Chair A sling chair is the perfect staple for your balcony! It’s comfortable and perfect for when you want to catch the sun. This one can recline in three different positions depending on your preference, and it’s easily folded and put away when you want more space on your balcony. You can find this model in virtually any color or pattern you can imagine. Now selling for $119.20.
Can Cooler Okay, maybe you could keep your drink in the fridge to cool it down if you’re at home, but this can cooler is irresistible. Not only will it keep your drink cool for hours, but it also looks really cute! Like the sling chair, you can find it an endless number of patterns, so rest assured there’s going to be one that fits your taste. Get it now for $21.68!
Lemon Tree Have you ever dreamed about having your own garden and growing your own fruits and vegetables? I know I have, but I also know plants can be quite tricky to take care of. However, this lemon tree is cold resistant, and will survive outside as long as it’s above freezing temperatures. Not only is it a cute decoration for your balcony but it will give you edible fruits too! Get one tree for £18.99.
“My little lemon tree is so beautiful. It was very well packaged and arrived on time amd it has 4 lemons on it. It is in really good health and I am going to buy another one on Tuesday. A great grower to buy from.“
String Lights String lights are perfect for when you want to make your balcony a little bit cozier at night. With these solar powered ones you can enjoy being outside all day and night, getting maximal use out of your balcony. Imagine sitting under these lights on a warm summer night. Life doesn’t get much better than that! These lights come in 8 light modes and now sell for only £13.35.
“These lights are beautiful, they give out a really nice soft light which looks magical in my garden. It comes with everything what is needed for an easy installation and the best thing is that it is solar powered, so there is no need for a socket nearby! It also has different light settings which is really easy to change using remote control.”
Outdoor Cushion Your balcony wouldn’t be complete without some nice cushions to make it comfortable. With this cushion, you don’t have to worry about it being ruined by the rain since it’s waterproof and has anti-fungal coating. If this print isn’t for you, don’t worry! These cushions come in many other prints and sell for £24.99.
I know I already recommended a can cooler but I couldn’t resist showing you this one too. This box is multifunctional and can serve as a table, a cooler for your drinks, as an extra seat or can even be used as a plant box! You’re really getting your money’s worth with this one and you won’t have to buy several separate pieces of furniture. All you need is this cool box (pun intended). Get it now for £39.99.
“I purchased this box intending to use as a balcony table. It turned out to be a cool box, a chair and a small table. And it comes with a pack of reusable ice pack. Wow. What a bargain. And my family used to store cold drinks in the garden when friends come. The design and quality are really good. Recommended”
As gyms have closed or many have chosen to stay home anyways, a new trend has emerged all over the internet and social media: at-home workouts. With numerous apps acting as personal trainers, staying fit at home has never been easier. While no equipment is needed, it can certainly help maintain a routine and make working out more fun, which is why I have found workout equipment that is both efficient, versatile and take up little space!
Exercise Mat For those of you who aren’t yoga enthusiasts, don’t worry. Exercise mats are not only used for yoga but can be used for any type of exercise where you don’t want to lie on the bare floor. This one is extra thick to make it more comfortable too! It’s only £25.97 and comes with a strap to keep it in place.
“This is great and just what I needed for stretching and weights for my morning routine – thick enough to be comfortable and doesnt move around on a wooden floor – at last I think I have found the perfect mat!”
Mini Resistance Bands Another staple is the mini resistance bands, that can be used for a number of different exercises. These come in three different resistance levels and are made out of fabric rather than latex bands to prevent pinching while being more durable as well. Get this set of three for £19.90!
“Been using this at least 4 times a week and it’s amazing! It doesn’t roll up when doing intense workouts, doesn’t hurt or feel like it’s going to snap, very sturdy, comes in 3 different levels so you can work your way up to the heavy band and super impressed. Will be recommending to family and friends.”
Multi-Use Resistance Bands Although they might sound similar to the mini resistance bands they serve a different function and are targeted more for full body work. This set comes with 5 different resistance level bands as well as 4 handles, 2 ankle straps, a door anchor and a bag to carry them in. It’s the perfect multi-use pack! With their versatility, they’re definitely worth £33.99.
“Very impressed with these bands. I’ve had others which were awful. I’ve recommended these to 4 friends which have all purchased them. They are a great addition to the home gym and wish I’d found these weeks ago as I wouldn’t of spent so much on equipment as these can do the lot and are great quality. Don’t hesitate to buy these if you are in serious need of a good home workout”
Ankle Weights Ankle weights are a very helpful tool to add to your workouts and come with many benefits. Use them on your ankles to add resistance for you leg exercises or incorporate them into virtually any type of exercise, thanks to their ability of allowing you to move freely while using them. This set comes with adjustable weights, and is now available for £29.99.
Dumbbells Perhaps the most “basic” piece of gym equipment, but well worth its reputation as a staple for workouts. These come in different weights and are coated in neoprene to prevent them from rolling away when you put them down on the floor. One pair of dumbbells sells for £27.99.
“I purchased this product for home use to complement my gym class. The dumbells themselves are nicely made, comfortable to hold and a nice bright colour. The A3 posters that arrive are actually very helpful and a nice addition to the order if you’re looking to expand your exercises. I would certainly look to purchase more from this company, and they are very fairly priced compared to their competitors too. 5 stars from me.”
Jump Rope I know many people think cardio is boring, and running (especially on a treadmill) can be the worst of all. However, a nice way to get in some cardio exercise while still keeping it fun is using a jump rope. It’s one of the most effective workouts and can be switched up by challenging yourself with different skills such as double unders. This one has anti-slip handles and a tangle-free cable, at a price of only £12.99.
This is great product and which I was looking for years and years. Well-made it, the plastic coated metal rope feels incredibly durable and will enable more advanced users to get some significant speed on the swing. The handles are really comfortable and nicely weighted, unscrewing the top of the handle will enable you to adjust the rope to any length you want. I used them in the gym, I can’t say bad words. They are very comfortable, so far so good.Highly recommended!!!“